Friday, March 20, 2009

Baby update

Well, we are on the final countdown, a little over 4 weeks left! The baby, who is still nameless, is transverse breech right now. He is totally sideways and does not want to move. I keep praying that he does but he is apparently really comfortable where he is at. On Tuesday of this week, I was standing in the kitchen and felt a trickle and thought my water had broke. I was an emotional wreck since it was way to early and he is breech. I went to labor and delivery and of course it was a false alarm, I had just peed my pants which is about a daily thing now. When I got home, Braylee was asking lots of questions, this is the conversation.
"Mom, how did they put your belly back together?" She knows there is a lot of water in there. Braylee
"What do you mean?" Me
"Well since all of your water came out how did they get your tummy round again?" Braylee
"Well Braylee, mommy just wet her pants, it wasn't the baby coming." Me
"So you mean to tell me that you went to the hospital for no reason at all just because you peed your pants, well that was silly." Braylee
You gotta love the honesty of children especially when your 5 year old puts you in your place.
I'm glad everything so far is going o.k. Just help us pray the he turns in time and no complications come because of it.


Maria said...

Yeah! Finally an update! You need to post pictures of your new room! Just tell Braylee that aunt Maria pees her pants too!

Melissa said...

It's a miracle!!! Your baby is a miracle but the fact that you posted again is even more of one! LOL
Tell Bray that Aunt Punky is not even pregnant and she still pees her pants!

Kendall said...

She's hilarious. I hope he turns around in time!

Kate and Cole said...

hahahaha!! That is so funny! What a cutie. Don't ya love how freely the pee flows? It's about time for an update lady! Keep em' coming. I hope you survive the last month! I hate the last month! good luck to you!

Nathan and Annie Miller said...

Braylee is such a funny girl! Just think you will have your not pregnant body back soon, and a little more bladder control! Hang in there, I always got so much done those last weeks...nesting!

Miranda said...

Love kids and what they say. I hope your baby turns, I can't believe you are so close, crazy! So are you wearing adult diapers just in case? I would, I feel so bad that it just happens like that!

The Warnick Family said...

Oh, that's funny! Maybe you didn't do it--that baby elbowed you right in the bladder and forced some pee out! Hopefully he'll flip himself around. If not, go get yourself waxed (the top of the biniki wax)in case you have to have a c-section. The hair growing back through the stiches was the worst part (I just got shaved because it was an emergency-waxing would have been way better). I hope you don't have to do that though, but it's not too bad if you do.

Shera said...

I remember when Stephanie Marlow did the same thing, peed all over the driveway and they rushed to the hospital thinking they were having a baby. What a let down! And I am sorry about the kidney stones again. As if it were not hard enough to just be pregnant. My favorite was reading about New Kids... I went to the concert in Utah when I was younger and my ears were ringing for a week afterward and it was not due to loud music :) Too funny!

Jenni said...

You are in our prayers. I can't wait to see him! Best of luck.