Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A while

So it's been a while since I last posted, so I combined a bunch of pictures taken by my talented sister in law Miranda. These have been in the last 6 months. I have so many great shots to choose from. Thanks Mir for doing such a great job.

We are doing well. Brandon is enjoying his job so far and I am enjoying a normal schedule in my life. I have enjoyed spending time with my other sister-in-law Michelle. That's the nice thing about marrying into a big family, they are always around. I miss all of you in IF but am really enjoying my new life here in Utah. I never thought I would say that but here I am. Braylee has adjusted well to her new school and looks forward to doing her homework every night. Jaxon tells me often that he loves our new house. I will get some pics of that up soon as well.

My pregnancy is going well. I keep passing kidney stones but luckily they aren't very jagged so they don't hurt too bad. It is just the kidney and bladder pain that is really uncomfortable. I was able to pass some at the doctors office so they were able to tell me what they are made of so I will be seeing a urologist again here soon. Other than that I am doing well and large. That's about it in a nutshell. I will post a little more regularly now that I have a computer up and running.


Nathan and Annie Miller said...

I'm sorry you've had kidney stones! It must be so painful. But at least you have only 4 months, right? I am so excited to get to see your family again, and your new house! Just 5 more months and almost half of the Finch children will live in one state! Yeah!

Kate and Cole said...

Hey Jen! Erin told me about your blog. Super cute! your house is nice. Congrats. I'm going to add you to my friends and family k? You look great!

Janae said...

I haven't blogged for awhile! How is everyone? I am sooo sorry that you are still passing stones! That is crazy! I hope you write down all the things you go through with your pregnancies, so that later on in life, you can show your kids just how much you suffered to bring them into this world! Ha! Your home is beautiful! Hope to see you soon!
Love ya!

Miranda said...

We miss you guys to, I think this will be the first birthday ever for Liv that you guys aren't around. So when are you going to California? And let me know if you want tummy pics!

Crystal Taylor said...

Good to hear your liking Utah! Your kids pictures are adorable Miranda does an amazing job! Keep in touch don't for get about us lol!

Erin said...

Hi Jen!!!! Love your house now update your freakin blog would ya?!?!?! Love you!