Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Braylee turns 6!

Braylee turned 6 on Friday...I can't believe it. She had a lot of fun. She insisted on a high school musical cake and a few friends for a party. The cake turned out cute and there's nothing like a bunch of 6 year olds sitting around the table burping. It was hilarious. Thanks to Grannys idea, they made bracelets with beads. (Thanks for the beads Granny)! Bray has been asking for months to go to Build-a-bear workshop, so on Sat, Brandon and I took her and let her make a bear, well a lamb. It was really cute and she had fun. It was a great birthday.


Kendall said...

That's so cute. I also love your new blog picture of the three kids. It's so beautiful! Sounds like life in Utah is good.

Melissa said...

How fun! The cake turned out awesome!! How did you get so lucky to have a girl with all that hair...she is a beauty!

Maria said...

The cake looks so dang cute! (a lot better than the torn-apart version I saw!) Happy Birthday Bray!

Kate and Cole said...

happy birthday Braylee! By the way, I love the title pic! so sweet.

Miranda said...

So weird we weren't there to celebrate I think we have been to every birthday! Nice job on the cake, and Liv now wants a sheep like hers. Hope everything goes well today!

Nathan and Annie Miller said...

Happy belated birthday Braylee! It looks like she had a lot of fun. Great job on the cake! Doesn't parenting bring out our artistic side?